
Hello! This is my first time blogging on this blogg. My name is Fanny and I'm one of the 20 girls in this awesome class. Now we are having the first coustumerpass for this week, but we only have 2 coustomers booked. So i thought that i will go and take some crazy pictures of our class while they working. I will put them up on the blog later when I come home. Don't miss it!

For 5 minutes ago there was a young girl calling who wanted a haircut, and ure awesome Josefine Eriksson is going to take care of her :)
Denice's costumer just camed also, a man with black kind of long hair. I think it's going to look great! =D 
Just before denice's costumer camed, Linas client camed, its a women with pretty long hair and she just want to takes of like 2 cm. And lina is a great hairdresser so the client will be super happy! :D

Now i'm tierd of writing, i will go and fix with the towls and that kind of hostess stuff :)


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